I'm finally adding a blog to my website! Since this is my first blog post, I figured it might be kind of important for it to be about me. (I know, SUPER self centered) But, I think it's really important that you get to know who you're booking.
I guess I'll start with, I'm Mandie. I eat like a six year old if I'm being honest and loveeeeee Disney movies. Not to hate on anyone else's cats, but I have the cutest kitty ever. I grew up in the central valley and absolutely love it here. For a few years out of school, I lived in the bay area which is somewhere I never thought I'd end up (but hey, I followed the love of my life there....romantic huh?) And now, I'm back in the valley with a little baby on the way. I'm so excited to be back and photograph the beauty here. With that being said, I love a good trip for a session so don't hesitate to book me if you're still in the bay... or anywhere really!
Other than that, I'm pretty much focused on photography. Weddings, maternities, newborns, elopements, engagements, families, the list just goes on and on. I can NEVER choose a favorite. Every session is guaranteed to have corny jokes and personal stories that no one asked for, but I feel like that's what makes it fun! It's so important to break down the wall that soooo many people have when taking photos. I want you to feel comfortable and beautiful. The best part of being a photographer is getting to be a part of the happiest and most intimate moments of people's lives. I mean, how much luckier can I get??
I'm so excited to be adding more blogs about the things I shoot and the places I go. I hope you guys are too! See you next time <3